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Community Roots Family & Implant Dentistry Offers Oral & IV Sedation

While trips to the dentist are routine for most individuals, for many, visiting a dentist’s office can be a stress-inducing endeavor. The anxiety that accompanies it can lead to some not seeking the essential dental care they need. At Community Roots Family & Implant Dentistry, we offer intravenous (IV) and oral sedation dentistry for the comfort of our patients in Brecksville, OH. Our gentle practices, combined with our comfortable office and advanced sedation dentistry techniques, allow all patients to enjoy a calm and anxiety-free experience when visiting us for dental services. Not all patients are ideal candidates for sedation, so consult with the dentist to see if sedation is right for you.

Sedation Dentistry in Brecksville, OH

When Do You Need Sedation Dentistry?

Deciding whether or not you need sedation dentistry for a procedure will be a discussion between each patient and our friendly team. Mild or moderate sedation can be provided for everything from routine cleanings and preventive care to dental implants and cosmetic dentistry. For patients who have a fear of general dentistry procedures, we want to make even the simplest treatment as comfortable as possible for you. For other patients who typically do not require sedation, we might suggest it when undergoing a complex or lengthy dental procedure. Sometimes, sedation allows us to complete procedures easier and with few appointments by using sedation. At Community Roots Family & Implant Dentistry, we want to ensure that all patients are comfortable with the decisions and level of care by our experienced team. Both Dr. Pristas and Dr. Haghighi have undergone extensive DDS training, and we will work to meet every patient’s preferences as best as possible.

What Is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is the practice of using a lighter form of the anesthesia hospitals use when performing surgery on patients. However, unlike hospitals where strong anesthesia requires breathing assistance for the patient and closely monitoring other bodily functions, the various forms of mild or moderate anesthesia we use allow individuals to continue breathing on their own. Our sedation methods place patients in a state of relaxation so we can provide the care our patients require. Due to the medications utilized, some patients may be so relaxed that they have no recollection of the dental procedure once it’s complete.

Sedation Dentistry Safety

Patient safety is our top priority at Community Roots Family & Implant Dentistry. We follow all guidelines set forth by the American Dental Association regarding the use of sedation by dentists. Our staff is appropriately trained and educated on proper administration and safety standards, and all anesthesia will be administered to patients by a qualified dentist. You can look forward to a relaxing and comfortable experience while receiving painless treatment at our center for cosmetic and sedation dentistry.

What Types of Sedation Dentistry Do You Offer?

Sedation levels for patients can range from mild to moderate sedation. Each provides various levels of relaxation and consciousness and can be achieved by a few different methods or a possible combination. Patients often wonder, what is oral sedation and what is IV sedation? Let’s look at the different types of sedation offered by our office:

Oral Sedation Dentistry
Oral sedation

Oral sedation requires no needles or intravenous tubes and is taken in pill form. Patients are provided with a pill to take about an hour before the scheduled appointment time so that when they arrive for their appointment, the desired effect of the pill has taken place.

Oral Sedation Dentistry
Intravenous (IV) Conscious Sedation

Our dentists have the necessary training, certifications, and qualifications to administer IV conscious sedation to our patients. This is an advanced form of sedation not offered by all dental practices. The benefit is it allows us to regulate the administration of anesthesia on patients for more controlled results than a pill.

Oral Sedation Dentistry
Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas)

Nitrous Oxide is commonly known as laughing gas and is a widespread form of dental sedation used by most practices nationwide. The patient inhales nitrous oxide to achieve a relaxed sense of euphoria, allowing us to perform dental procedures. We can administer more gas as needed throughout the process to maintain the patient's comfort level. Laughing gas wears off in minutes, so patients are fully capable of getting themselves home after the appointment without assistance.

Sedation dentistry treatment in Brecksville, OH & nearby areas

Dentist Stress?

Does the thought of going to the dentist fill you with anxiety or fear? Community Roots Family & Implant Dentistry offers effective oral sedation options for patients in Brecksville, OH and the surrounding areas. Whether you have stress about dental visits or require a complicated procedure that requires sedation, our friendly team goes to great lengths to provide everyone with a comfortable and safe experience. Our goal is to ensure everyone can receive the dental care they need from trained and certified professionals. We work with various dental insurance plans and offer financing options to make your care more affordable. Contact our dentist office today to schedule an appointment and learn more about our sedation dentistry options.

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